Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Two Weeks!

Two weeks. TWO WEEKS. 14 days. I can't believe that's all the time that is left until we can officially meet Madilyn and Carter! :)

Anyways -- Rob and I went to the doctor yesterday to get our last growth ultrasound! We were pretty excited to see how much they've grown and to get an idea of what they might be when they arrive. When they called us back it was funny because the ultrasound tech (who has done all of our ultrasounds but one) said she was surprised my name was on her list because she thought I would have had the babies by now! :) She said I'm an ideal patient and doing a really good job of carrying these babies! Anyways, we went in and she took measurements of the babies. Madilyn's weight was 6 lbs 2 ounces and Carter came in at 5 lbs 14 ounces. So - both right about 6 pounds. Which means that there is 12 pounds of just BABY!! And they can still gain about another pound each before they come! As long as they are happy and healthy babies - I'm fine with whatever they weigh.

After the ultrasound, we met quickly with our doctor. We'll go in next week to check heartbeats again (the non stress test) as well as to see how I'm doing. Then, the week after, on Monday the 30th we go in for our pre-op appointment and have to complete our preregistration at the hospital. And then --- D-Day! Delivery Day! :) We are scheduled for Wednesday, May 2nd at 10:00. Of course, we'll have to be there early and then they'll have to get me ready, so the babies should be here before lunch. How exciting!! :)

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers these next two weeks - especially on the 2nd! I'll be updating at least two more times before the big "they're here" post!

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