Thursday, October 23, 2014

Grown-ups come back!

Ever since I can remember, both my kiddos have loved watching Daniel Tiger. And though I can quote quite a few episodes by heart, I really like that there are so many different episodes that relate to the life of a toddler. One of these would be the theme that "grown-ups come back", and it even has a catchy little song to go with it. Well, since Carter started going to places that had childcare, I incorporated that song on our way to either the gym or MOPS. Granted, the first few weeks of dropping him off were not tear free - but what can you expect from a little boy who has only been with his Mommy at home and out on play dates while Mommy stayed and watched? As I mentioned before, Carter also recently started a Mother's Day Out program twice a week and yes, we still use the song and talk about how "Mommy comes back". I remember one of the MDO workers telling me how cute he was at nap time because he would soothe himself by saying "Mommy back.. Mommy back.." So he is definitely old enough the get the concept that I'm not leaving him forever and I think that makes it easier on both of us. But -- I am so proud of Carter because at the beginning of the week, he and I went to the gym twice and he was a total champ when we walked into the childcare center. Once the door was opened for him to go into the play area, he went right in.. Turned around.. And started waving and said "bye Mommy!" And off he was to play! It only took a few weeks, but I think he's starting to realize that even if I'm not right there with him, he knows I am going to come back and get him. Another incident happened this week as I was getting ready to go to a meeting. I usually try to sneak out so that my kiddos don't get upset when they see me leaving. I had to get my bag from the kitchen before I left, and Carter saw me and said, "Bye Mommy!" and was giving me air kisses! It was so nice to actually get to say bye to both of them and not have to sneak out!

So, it's been a big week for Carter -- although he was still not 100% happy when I left from Mother's Day Out today. But, he stopped fussing pretty quickly afterwards. Here a few pictures of Carter's life being a big boy at different places without Mommy!

First Day at MOPS - we started off good...
Playing at the end of MOPS!
First Day at MDO - coloring letter E
 Using glue to make the letter G at MDO!

If you look in the back and center, Carter is in the gray shirt playing away at the gym!

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